Conversation of The Day Part 13

Conversation Of The Day
Part 13
Borrowing A Book - Meminjam Buku
Zahran : Assalamu’alaikum.
Librarian : Wa’alaikumsalam. What can I do for you?
Zahran : I would like to borrow a book.
Librarian : Which book do you need?
Zahran : I need an English Grammar book.        
Librarian : It is on the second shelf.
Zahran : How long should I return the book?    
Librarian : Not more than a week.
Zahran : Alright. How many books may I borrow?      
Librarian : 3 books only. Please keep the books carefully! And return them on time!
Zahran : Alright. I promise to return it on time.

Would like : Ingin
Borrow : Meminjam
Which : Yang mana
Need : Butuh
Second : Kedua
Shelf : Rak buku
English grammar : Tata bahasa Inggris
Keep : Menjaga
Carefully : Hati-hati
Promise : Berjanji
Return : Mengembalikan
On time : Tepat waktu

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