Conversation Of The Day Part 20

Conversation Of The Day
Part 20
I’d Like to Ask For The Official Letter
Administrator : What can I do for you?
Furqon : I'd like to ask for the memo and the official letter?
Administrator : What are they for?
Furqon : I would like to participate in the English speech competition.
Administrator : Where and when will it be held?
Furqon : It will be held in the university of Indonesia on September 23-25, 2016.
Administrator : Alright, I will make it for you.
Furqon : When can I have it?
Administrator : Sorry, it could not be today. Insyaa Allah in the next two days.
Furqon : Alright, then. Thank you
Administrator : You're welcome.
Furqon : Can I have the letter?
Administrator : Have a seat, please! Wait a moment! Here it is.

Memo : Memo
Letter : Surat
English : B. Inggris
Speech : Pidato
Competition : Kompetisi
Participate : Berpartisipasi
Official letter : Surat tugas
Today : Hari ini
Next : Berikutnya
Two days : Dua hari
Hold - held : Mengadakan
Have a seat : Silakan duduk

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