Conversation of The Day Part 4

Conversation Of The Day
Part 4
What are you doing? - Apa yang sedang Anda kerjakan?
Ridwan : Assalamu’alaikum.        
Zahran : Wa’alaikumsalam.
Ridwan : What are you doing?
Zahran : I am reading a newspaper.
Ridwan : By the way, where is Mr. Ade?
Zahran : He is in the teacher office.
Ridwan : What is he doing?
Zahran : He is typing a letter.
Ridwan : Is Mr. Iif in the teacher office, too?
Zahran : Yes, he is. He is reading a magazine.
Ridwan : What about Mr. Basuki and Mr. Yayat? Are they in the teacher office?
Zahran : No, they are not. They are teaching the students in the classrooms.
Ridwan : Thank you for the information.
Zahran : You are welcome.

I + Am + Ving
Saya sedang . . .
He/She/It + Is + Ving
Dia sedang . . .
They/We/You + Are + Ving
Mereka/kami/kamu sedang . . .
Read - Reading : Membaca
Teach - Teaching : Mengaja
Type - Typing : Mengetik
Letter : Surat
Magazine : Majalah

Newspaper : Koran

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