Conversation of The Day Part 3

Conversation Of The Day
Part 3

Where do you live? - Dimana Anda tinggal?
Ridwan : Hi, my name is Ridwan (give your name).
Zahran  : Hello, how are you doing?
Ridwan : I am OK, thank you.
Zahran  : Where do you live?
Ridwan : I live in Cirebon (state where you live).
Zahran  : Nice, I live in Kuningan (state where you live).
Ridwan : How long have you been living there?
Zahran  : I have been living there for 25 years (state how long you have been living there).
Ridwan : Do you live alone? or with your family?
Zahran  : I live with my wife, mother, father, kids, brothers, and sisters.
Ridwan : Really? Nice. I live only with my wife and kids.
Zahran  : How many kids do you have?
Ridwan : I have two sons and 1 daughter.
Zahran  : It is nice talking to you, but I have to go now.  I have to teach.
Ridwan : OK bye.

Live : Tinggal
Long : Lama
Alone : Sendiri
Family : Keluarga
Wife : Istri
Mother : Ibu
Father : Ayah
Kids : Anak-anak
Brother : Saudara laki-laki
Sister : Saudara perempuan
Son : Anak laki-laki

Daughter : Anak perempuan

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