Single-sex schools are
schools that only admit those of one specific gender, believing that the
educational environment fostered by a single gender is more conducive to
learning than a co-educational school. Studies conducted have shown that boys
gain more academically from studying in co-education schools, but that girls
find segregated schools more conducive to achievement. However academic results
are not the only criterion on which the success of the education system should
be judged. In the United States, a long-standing controversy over the Virginia
Military Institute resulted in a landmark Supreme Court ruling, in June 1996,
that the institute must admit women. Nevertheless the Court left room for
private (i.e. not state-run) single-sex institutions and other such schools,
where needed, to redress discrimination. Proponents of single-sex schools
maintain that, by removing the distractions of the other sex, students learn
more effectively and feel better about their education. Opponents maintain that
co-educational schools in contrast are important in that they prepare students
better for the real world, and do not attempt to segregate students from the
realities of adult life. This debate can apply both to secondary school and
college level, but single-sex institutions are found more frequently at the
Women are better off in single-sex institutions. Women in particular benefit from a single-sex education; research shows
that they participate more in class, develop much higher self-esteem, score
higher in aptitude tests, are more likely to choose ‘male’ disciplines such
as science in college, and are more successful in their careers. In the USA
Who’s Who, graduates of women’s colleges outnumber all other women; there are
only approximately 50 women’s colleges left in the States today. Elizabeth
Tidball, who conducted the Who’s Who research, also later concluded that
women’s colleges produced ‘more than their fair share who went on to medical
school or received doctorates in the natural or life sciences’, typically
male fields.
Other studies
have found that women in fact are not any better off in single-sex
institutions. A 1998 survey from the American Association of University
Women, a long-time advocate of single-sex education, admitted that girls from
such schools did not show any academic improvement. That they are more
inclined towards maths and sciences is of questionable importance to society
as a whole. As the report noted, "boys and girls both thrive when the
elements of good education are there, elements like smaller classes, focused
academic curriculum and gender-fair instruction". These can all be present in
co-educational schools. Tidball in her research made the mistake of not
controlling for other characteristics, namely socio-economic privileges of
those at elite women’s colleges.
Boys and girls are an unwelcome distraction to each other. Boys and girls
distract each other from their education, especially in adolescence as their
sexual and emotional sides develop. Too much time can be spent attempting to
impress or even sexually harassing each other (particularly boys toward
girls). Academic competition between the sexes is unhealthy and only adds to
unhappiness and anxiety among weaker students. As Tricia Kelleher, a school
principal, argues, ‘rather than girls defining themselves by their interests,
they define themselves by what the boys think of them or what other girls
think boys think of them’. Furthermore, John Silber, President of Boston
University, declared in 2002 that his university would prioritize male
applications in order to even up the student composition and ensure the male
population did not become ‘ungentlemanly’ towards women due to their
numerical inferiority. A single-sex environment is therefore a space where
(children) can learn without feeling pressurized by other sex.
In fact boys and girls are a good influence on each other, engendering
good behaviour and maturity – particularly as teenage girls usually exhibit
greater responsibility than boys of the same age. Academic competition
between the sexes is a spur to better performance at school. Any negative
effects of co-educational schools have been explained away by studies as the
result of other factors, such as ‘classroom size, economic discrepancies and
cultural differences’. Furthermore, the separation of boys and girls only
serves to embrace sexual objectification, for they exist for each other only
as dates rather than the classmates they would be in a co-educational
environment. Allowing them into the same educational environment, in part to
permit them to distract each other, is a welcome social development as well
as a beneficial learning curve.
Boys and girls develop at different times and speeds, therefore they
should be taught separately. Co-educational
schools attempt to establish uniformity in the teaching of two groups, boys
and girls, who typically learn and develop at different speeds and using
different methods. ‘They do not develop in the same way or at the same time;
boys favour visual processing and do not have the hand-motor control that
girls readily achieve in early grades’. It is widely accepted that ‘boys
develop more slowly than girls..that’s true at every level of analysis’.
Furthermore, they develop physically at different speeds, girls often
developing earlier which can lead to bullying from the opposite sex for those
who either over-develop or under-develop. Therefore, it should come as no
surprise that, at least in the United States, elementary school boys are 50%
more likely to repeat a grade than girls and they drop out of high school a
third more often. If they were taught separately and the curriculum and
teaching was tailored to their needs, drop-out rates would not be so high nor
as vastly disproportionate.
Everyone develops at slightly different speeds, however few would
advocate everyone should be home-schooled. Ultimately, the curriculum
determines the mode of teaching, not the gender composition of the class, and
the curriculum can be moulded to suit both girls and boys, faster and slower
learners and those with under-developed hand-motor control. If elementary
school boys are being forced to repeat grades that is a manifestation of
difficulties in learning and as relevant to their proximity to girls in the
classroom as it is to the higher-achieving boys. Furthermore, the sociologist
Cynthia Epstein argues that in fact ‘there is no consensus among
psychologists as to the existence of psychological or cognitive differences
between the sexes’. Finally, as Michael Bronski notes, the benefits of
same-sex schools cannot be applied across the educational sphere for the
private schools where the tests take place admit ‘either only high-achieving
pupils or self-select by expelling poorly-performing or misbehaving
Teachers favour their own gender in co-educational schools. Teachers frequently
favour their own gender when teaching co-educational classes; for example,
male teachers can undermine the progress and confidence of girl students by
refusing to choose them to answer questions etc. A recent study by the
American Association of University Women found that ‘gender bias is a major
problem at all levels of schooling’, asserting ‘girls are plagued by sexual
harassment and neglected by sexist teachers, who pay more attention to boys’.
As a result, girls tend to fall behind their male counterparts.
There is little evidence to support this claim. Valerie Lee, a professor
at the University of Michigan, studied a sample of coeducational, all-boys
and all-girls independent schools, finding that ‘the frequency of sexist
incidents was similar in the three types of schools’. Wendy Kaimer argues
that the restraints of femininity are actually ‘self-imposed’ at single-sex
schools, ‘whether manifested in feminine décor or…pandering to women’s fear
of masculinizing themselves’.
Children will gain exposure to the opposite sex when they reach adult
life; whilst they are young, they should be around those who they feel most
comfortable with. The inclinations of children in the formative years,
between 7 and 15, are to gravitate towards their own sex. What is natural
should be encouraged, and can most easily be done so in single-sex
institutions. Furthermore, they naturally tend towards behaviour appropriate
to their gender. It is therefore easier to implement an education strategy
geared specifically towards one gender. Moreover, certain subjects are best
taught, both in terms of ease and effectiveness, in single-sex classrooms,
such as sex education or gender issues.
Children need to be exposed
to the opposite sex in preparation for later life. The formative years of children are the best time to expose them to the
company of the other gender, in order that they may learn each other’s’
behaviour and be better prepared for adult life. The number of subjects
benefiting from single-sex discussion is so small that this could easily be
organised within a co-educational system. Furthermore, even if girls
naturally perform better in an environment without boys, they need to learn
how to perform just as well with boys. Dr. Alan Smithers, a respected British
schools expert, declared in a 2006 report that ‘distraction by boys was a
myth’ and that ‘half a century of research has not shown dramatic or
consistent advantages for single-sex education for boys or girls’.
Single-sex schools for women are a natural extension of the feminist
movement; there are co-educational schools, men have had their own schools,
why should women not? It would still be discrimination if there were only
male single-sex schools; as long as both genders are catered for, this discrimination
is redressed. The issue in states like India is not there are too many
single-sex schools, but that there are not enough. This is more to do with
cultural preferences for males, and a population heavily overpopulated with
males, than the lingering effects of British colonial rule.
Single-sex schools are manifestations of patriarchal societies. Single-sex schools
are a throwback to the patriarchal society of the past; in many historical
cultures, only men were allowed an education of any sort. To perpetuate this
is to remind women of their past subservience and to continue to hold them
from full social inclusion. In India, where the colonial yoke of British rule
remains, the national average for the difference in male-female literacy is
16.7%, with some districts as high as 28%. Single-sex schools discourage
female education and make it increasingly difficult for parents to find room
for girls in the limited co-educational schools. A push for single-sex
education therefore is ‘predicated on outdated, moronic, and destructive
gender stereotypes’.
The positive health effects of single-sex schools pointed out in the same
Dr. Leonard study outweigh the emotional distress potentially felt by a
minority of divorced men. Regarding the majority, the research found ‘those
who stayed together were just as likely to be happy in their relationship as
men educated in mixed schools’. As for girls, the findings suggest they ‘seem
to learn what the nature of the beast is’ without needing to learn alongside
boys, whilst a central finding of the study is that ‘single-sex moderates the
effect of gender-stereotyping in terms of choice of field of study’.
Single-sex institutions are bad for the emotional health of males. Men always say that they do not understand women, perhaps because they
were sent to single sex schools. Research has proved that boys who went to
single sex schools as opposed to mixed schools are more likely to get
divorced and suffer from depression in their 40. This is proof that we should
school our children in mixed schools in order to give them the best bill of
emotional health. Dr. Diana Leonard, who presented the findings, concluded
that ‘Boys learn better when they are with girls and they actually learn to
get on better’.