This debate is not
about whether it is right for human beings to farm and eat other animals - this
is covered in the debates on animal rights and vegetarianism. Neither is it
about zoos, which are also covered in their own debate. Rather this debate is
about various other uses of animals for sport, pleasure, and
entertainment. Note though that many of
the proposition arguments will also apply to other animal rights debates, so be
wary of allowing overlapping points to distract from the central issue.
A wide variety of
examples from different cultures around the world might be brought into this
debate: 'blood sports' such as fox and stag hunting, and fishing; forms of
entertainment using performing animals, such as circuses; and sports in which
animals perform for human enjoyment, such as horse racing and bull fighting.
Views on these issues are often very culture-specific - e.g. some Spanish
people may find it easy to accept bull fighting, or some British people may
feel more sympathy with fox hunting - these practices can form part of a
national culture. Nonetheless animal rights advocates find these to be the most
indefensible ways that humans treat other animals.
The most ubiquitous
example to be found almost everywhere in the world though is the use of circus
animals (no longer in the UK though). It
is worth noting that with regards any debate involving the European Union, the
rights of animals in Circuses are currently treated as a matter for individual
member states and are seen as a distinct and different issue to the rights of
animals in Zoos (which are covered by EU wide directives on minimum welfare
There are two parts to the proposition case: first, it is wrong in
principle to exploit non-human animals in any way; secondly, there are many
concrete examples of how animals are made to suffer in the context of sports
and entertainment. This debate could be done, as it is here, as an overview of
a whole range of uses of animals in sporting and entertainment contexts.
Alternatively, one particular issue, such as hunting, circuses, or horse/dog
racing, could be taken as the main focus.
The use of animals in sport demeans humans. Other animals may not have the same level of sapience
as humans, but they feel fear, stress, exhaustion and pain just as we
do. It is immoral to derive pleasure
either from the suffering or forced performance of another living being,
especially when that being is under one’s power and control.
It would of course be absurd to suggest that animals
should have equality with humans on the level of having the right to vote or
of criminal responsibility, but they should have equality with us on terms of
equal consideration of interests, that is, pain and suffering should be
equally significant whether it is a human or an animal that feels it.
This point assumes a
naïve and Disney-like conception of nature. Hunting and fishing are natural
activities - many other species in the wild kill and eat each other. If fear, stress, exhaustion and pain are
natural parts of the cycle of life then why should there be any particular
duty on us to prevent them?
We, like other
animals, prefer our own- our own family, the “pack” that we happen to run
with, and the larger communities constructed on the smaller ones, of which
the largest is the ‘nation-state’.
Suppose a dog menaced a human infant and the only way
to prevent the dog from biting the infant was to inflict severe pain on the
dog – more pain, in fact, than the bite would inflict on the infant. Any normal person would say that it would
be monstrous to spare the dog, even though to do so would be to minimise the
sum of pain in the world. We should
respect this instinctive moral reaction.
Blood sports cannot be justified by reference to their
role in pest control or conservation. All sorts of hunting, shooting, and fishing boil down to slaughtering
other animals for pleasure. If the prey is a pest (e.g. foxes), or needs
culling (e.g. hares, deer), there are always more humane ways to kill it than
hunting it to the point of terror and exhaustion with a pack of hounds- e.g.
killing it with a rifle shot. If the prey is being killed for food it is
entirely gratuitous. In modern society people do not need to kill food for
themselves but can buy it from a source where animals have been killed
humanely; indeed no-one needs to eat meat at all and for moral, health, and
environmental reasons they should not (see vegetarianism debate). As for
fishing, again there is absolutely no need to catch or eat fish; even when
anglers throw their catch back in they have first put a hook through its
In the case of foxes, most of the alternative ways of
killing them are crueler - e.g. trapping, snaring, or shooting, which often
have the end result of maiming the fox and leaving it to die slowly of
starvation and infection. A fox killed by hounds dies very quickly. In the
case of killing animals to eat - such as fish, or game birds such as
pheasants and grouse - the justification is even more straightforward; it is
the most natural activity in the world to hunt and eat. And given the
controversy surrounding the welfare of animals in modern farms, it would seem
preferable to eat an animal that had had a free and happy life in the wild
than one that had been reared in a factory farm. In the case of fishing, many
anglers who fish for sport throw their catches back in, so the fish come to
no lasting harm.
Treating animals as property prevents them from being
perceived as part of the moral community. As long as animals
are treated as property, their interests will always be subsidiary to the
interests of their owners. To treat
animals as property simply because they are not human is specieism and no
different to discrimination on race or gender. For humans, not being a slave
is the practical prerequisite of all other rights. So too must it be for animals. Making the treatment of animals more
‘humane’ is an inadequate solution because it does not change the fundamental
problem of exploitation.
“Specieism is not
merely plausible; it is essential for right conduct, because those who will
not make the morally relevant distinctions among species are almost certain,
in consequence, to misapprehend their true obligations.”
Conflating specieism
with racism or sexism is fallacious because it fails to recognise that the
former involves fundamental differences, whereas all people regardless of
skin colour or gender are ‘human beings’.
As animals are incapable of moral enquiry they can
never acquire rights beyond those that humans choose to bestow on them.
Animals are harmed when used as objects of
entertainment, no matter how innocent that entertainment is. The circus is another arena in which human beings
abuse other animals. Animals are trained to perform tricks using whips,
electronic goads, sticks, food-deprivation etc. Wild animals such as lions,
tigers, and elephants are kept in shamefully inadequate conditions in tiny
spaces. The necessity of regular transportation means that the circus can
never provide an appropriate home for wild animals. These animals are forced
to travel thousands of miles in cramped and squalid conditions and frequently
end up physically and mentally ill. And what for? Purely for the
entertainment of we arrogant exploitative humans. What sort of lesson does it
teach our children about non-human animals to take them to the circus and see
these great creatures demeaned and controlled by force to perform silly
Horses and dogs are among the principle victims of
exploitation in human sporting activities. The main purpose of horse- and
dog-racing is for human beings to indulge their penchant for gambling. The
welfare of the animals involved is at best a secondary concern. Horses are
frequently injured and die in horse races, especially races over hurdles such
as the infamous British 'Grand National'; they are also blinkered and whipped
to make them run faster, even the British Horseracing Authority has accepted
the use of the whip needs to be limited out of concern for the welfare of the
animals. Or the Riverside (Washington)Suicide Race[2][3], where horse often
die from the nearly 400 foot steep grade of the suicide hill, the riders
trying to make it down and through a river. It is unconvincing to claim that
the animals can enjoy being subjected to this. As for the conditions the
animals are kept in, these may be good for the top dogs and horses, but in
the main conditions are poor, and once the animals cease to win races they
are likely to be neglected, abandoned, or slaughtered. Horses are also forced
to take part in the dangerous contact sport of polo in which collisions and a
hard, fast-moving puck pose serious danger to the animals who, unlike their
riders, have no choice in whether they take part.
The circus is where
children first learn to love animals! The proposition is right to draw
attention to issues of animal welfare but again, they do not need to take
such an extremist approach. There is evidence that animals enjoy performing
and can form close relationships with their trainers and with an audience.
Closer scrutiny of circuses and better enforcement of animal welfare laws are
desirable, but once those conditions are met the circus can be seen as a
celebration of wild animals and the relationships they can form with
animal-loving human beings. If the reality falls short of this ideal then
reform is called for, not abolition.
We need to strike a balance between human pleasure and
animal welfare. The proposition's point of view is much too unbalanced.
Putting the animal welfare case at its strongest, we should ban all sports in
which animals are treated cruelly, or are at high risk of injury or death.
None of the sports mentioned by the proposition here fall into that category.
Anyone who works in horse- or dog-racing will tell you that it is in their
interest to ensure that the animals are healthy and happy, or else they will
not perform well. They will also tell you that most of these animals enjoy
racing and enjoy winning. As for polo, horses are rarely injured; the risk of
injury is acceptably low.
It is consistent to oppose both uses of the animal.
Moreover, Bull fighting is probably the most barbaric exploitation of animals
that is still legally practised (in Spain, Portugal, parts of France, Mexico,
and, illegally, in the United States). The idea that there is a fair match
between the bull and the matador is laughable. The bull dies at the end of
every single bullfight (it is either killed by the matador or slaughtered
afterwards if it survives); for a matador to be seriously injured is rare and
it is very rare indeed for a matador to die as the result of a bull fight.
During bull fights the animals are taunted and goaded, and have sharp spears
stuck into their bodies until eventually they collapse from their injuries
and exhaustion. Matadors are not heroes or artists, they are cruel cowards.
Fighting bulls have
a better quality of life than meat-producing bulls. If animal welfare is the primary concern then
consistency requires that if one accepts the raising and slaughter of animals
for meat then one should also accept the raising and slaughter of animals for
“Those who see
bullfighting as cruel are, of course, right. It is cruel that man should
breed and kill animals for his enjoyment whether as a dinner or a dance. But
to my mind the life of an Iberian fighting bull, a thoroughbred animal which
lives to a minimum age of four, roaming wild, feasting on Spain's finest pasture,
never even seeing a man on foot, is far superior to that of the many
thousands of British bulls whose far shorter lives are spent entirely in
factory conditions and killed in grim abattoirs so that we can eat
To condemn bull fighting is to fail to be sensitive to
cultural differences and to the true nature of the sport. First, bull
fighting is an integral part of traditional Spanish culture that should
therefore be respected in the same way that any other minority activity (such
as the slaughtering of animals according to certain Jewish or Muslim ritual
laws) would be. Secondly, the bull fight is a symbolic enactment of the
battle between man and beast; the matador is a highly trained and highly
skilled artist and fighter and takes his life in his hands when he enters the
ring - it is a match between man and animal. Finally, since the bull would be
killed anyway, it is of little consequence how it is killed.
If animal suffering is equal to human suffering then
the benefits of exploiting animals in this way are only appropriate if it
would also be appropriate to use a mentally disabled human in the same way.
Animals can be used to enhance the quality of human
life. Activities involving the hunting or performance of
animals are often large scale social activities. The Grand National for
example has an audience of 153,000 paying spectators at the event and a
further 600 million in 140 countries watch it on television. They can invoke
themes of struggle and competition that serve to bring communities together
in a shared experience.