The United Nations, formed out of the horrors of the World War II with the
overarching purpose of preventing this kind of total war from ever happening
again. Its formation came after the failures of the League of Nations, an
international organisation that had the same lofty goal of preventing war. The
UN sought out to overcome the Leagues failures by through embedding itself into
all aspects of the international community setting up organisations such as the
General Assembly, Security Council, International Court of Justice, the World
Bank, and later on the International Atomic Energy Agency and its Development
Programme. Over the last 60 years, the UN has changed and developed, along the
way it has permanently changed the environment of the international community,
through its work in peacekeeping, creating and developing international law,
the establishment of human rights, the list goes on. However, in all this
change some negatives have arisen, the decision making process is often very
slow and many institutions like the Security Council are reactionary, and very
easily caught up in power politics, rendering them useless at critical moments.
This raises the question that this debate is focused around- has the UN failed?
Main purpose of UN, to prevent war, has clearly not
been achieved. The UN was set up
with the express purpose of preventing global wars, yet it has done
absolutely nothing to prevent them. Indeed, the UN has often served merely as
a forum for countries to abuse and criticise each other, rather than resolve
disputes peacefully.
In some cases, such as the 2003 invasion of Iraq, UN
resolutions have arguably been used as a justification for wars, rather than
to prevent them. Research shows that the number of armed conflicts in the
world rose steadily in the years after 1945 and has only begun to plateau or
fall since the end of the Cold War.
It is unfair to say that the United Nations has failed
just because conflict has not been eradicated from the world. The causes that
drive nations to war with one another often cannot be resolved by diplomatic
means; to set global peace as the test for the UN’s efficiency is clearly
unfair. Nonetheless the UN has served as an effective forum for behind the
scenes diplomacy in many international crises. It has come to the aid of
countries when attacked, as in the examples of [South] Korea and Kuwait in
1950 and 1990 respectively; it has also kept the peace in, for example, the
former Yugoslavia, Cyprus and East Timor. The fact that armed conflicts
around the world have become less common since 1990 is, arguably, at least
partly down to the good offices of the United Nations.
UN ignores or enables human rights abuses. Despite the development of the concept of human rights
in the post-war world, the UN has totally failed to protect the rights of
citizens, ethnic minorities, women and children. It has stood by during
episodes of genocide in Cambodia, Rwanda, Congo and Yugoslavia among many
others, tolerates some of the world’s worst dictatorships as members, and
does nothing to improve the situation of women in developing nations. Indeed,
where UN peacekeepers have been sent into war-torn countries, they have
sometimes been guilty of the most horrendous human rights abuses themselves.
As of 2011, the UN’s Human Rights Council itself is
comprised of members such as Saudi Arabia, Cuba and China.
As argued below (Opposition argument 2), the UN has in
fact been instrumental in developing the modern concept of human rights,
which prior to its foundation essentially did not exist as an idea, and
certainly not as a body of coherent international law. And the UN has acted
to prevent and condemn human rights abuses all over the world.
Where the UN has failed to prevent genocide or human
rights violations, it has generally been due to the failure of the
international community rather than the UN itself. For example, the bloodshed
in Rwanda went unstopped not because the UN was unconcerned, but because
those nations that might have intervened, such as the US, France or
neighbouring African countries, were unable or unwilling to do so - not a
failure that can fairly be laid at the door of the UN.
UN decision-making procedures are very inefficient. The UN displays all the worst traits of bureaucracies
the world over. The General Assembly is little more than a forum for world
leaders and ambassadors to lambast each other. The Security Council is
systemically unable to take decisive action in many of the world’s
trouble-spots due to its outdated permanent membership structure, which gives
five nations a totally disproportionate power to prevent the world body from
acting against their interests. In the UN’s 65 years, the veto has been used
nearly 300 times.
Stories of bureaucracy and delay in the General
Assembly obscure the vital work that goes on, often unnoticed, through United
Nations agencies every day. It is true that the UN’s decision-making
processes are not terribly efficient but in a body comprising nearly 200
members this is probably inevitable. If there are problems with the structure
of the UN, such as the Security Council veto, the answer is to reform those
institutions to fit the challenges of the 21st Century. As an analogy,
national governments have often been accused of being slow to change and
reform, but we do not conclude from this that “government has failed” and
seek to abolish them!
Many UN bodies are corrupt or compromised. As mentioned above, the Human Rights Council consists
of some the worst human rights abusers in the world. The NGO UN Watch has
accused the HRC focusing almost exclusively on alleged human rights abuses by
Israel to the exclusion of almost every other country.
There have been widespread allegations of corruption in
UN bodies. It is for these reasons that the US long refused to pay its full
dues to the United Nations and threatens to do so again in future, as well as
withholding funding from UNESCO in 2011 after it voted to recognise Palestine
as an independent state.
The United Nations
is no more corrupt than any large organisation, much less national governments,
and far more transparent than many comparable institutions.
It is true that the Human Rights Council contains some
nations with bad records on civil liberties but it is surely better to engage
with such regimes and shame them into slowly improving their human rights
standards, than simply excluding them from UN organs and losing any influence
over how they treat their citizens.
Most international co-operation can takes place outside
UN framework. The major economic,
political and trade issues around the world are almost all dealt with either
through bilateral agreements between nations or by specialised bodies set up
for that purpose – the World Bank, IMF, EU, ASEAN, NATO, WTO and so on. In
all of these fields the UN is little more than an irrelevance. Even where the
UN does get involved in international affairs – such as in the Libyan crisis
of 2011 – it is other bodies, in that case NATO, which serve as the vehicle
for international cooperation.
Despite the proliferation of supranational organisations,
the United Nations remains the indispensable global forum for meeting to
discuss world affairs. Indeed, in a way this expansion in the number and
range of international organisations is a testament to the success of the UN
model. Furthermore, many international organisations work very closely with
the United Nations, or even partially within its system. For example, when
the International Atomic Energy Authority assesses the compliance of nations
such as Iraq or Iran with the Non-Proliferation Treaty, it is to the UN
Security Council that it reports
In any case, this debate is about whether or not the
United Nations has failed. Even if many decisions are now taken outside the
UN framework that does not reflect badly on that body.
No-one is suggesting that the test of a successful
United Nations should be an end to all armed conflict. But even judged on its
own criteria, it has been remarkably ineffectual. The examples of Kuwait and
Korea are both situations where defensive wars were fought by the US and
allies for their own reasons – the containment of Saddam Hussein and
Communism, respectively – not UN ideals. Where the UN did not authorise
military action, such as in Vietnam or Iraq in 2003, this made no difference.
It is hard to think of an example where imminent conflict was definitely
averted due to UN influence.
As for UN peacekeepers, they usually come into
conflicts only after they have ended and thousands of civilians been killed.
They often do a good job, but they are seldom indispensable. Other regional
organisations, such as NATO or the African Union, can equally well perform
this function.
The UN has performed a valuable service in preventing
wars and in peacekeeping. It is clearly
unrealistic to imagine that the United Nations could prevent all wars, but
nonetheless it has been successful at negotiating peaceful resolutions to
international disputes. It has also authorised military force to defend
countries from unprovoked attacks; Kuwait and South Korea, to name just two,
owe their freedom to UN action. Finally, UN peacekeepers do vital work all
over the world from Cyprus to Korea.
The UN has been only one among many organisations which
have shaped the modern doctrine of international law. More influential in
developing our contemporary understanding of human rights, arguably, was the
worldwide horror at the Holocaust, Nuremberg war crimes trials, and the
determination of the West to hold developing nations and Communist states to
the same standards that they [supposedly] adhere to. When activists in
undemocratic regimes fight for better civil rights, it is seldom the UN they
cite as their model.
It is fair to ascribe the United Nations its due share
of credit for this emerging consensus, then, but it has been remarkably bad
at actually encouraging, let alone enforcing, the rules it has helped to
The UN has been at the forefront of promoting respect
for international law and human rights. When the United
Nations was founded in 1945, the idea of “international law”, in so far as it
had any meaning, was little more than the customary behaviour of states
towards each other. Over the succeeding 60 years, the UN and its various
offices and organs have taken a lead role in codifying and promoting the
concept of international law and the protection of human rights. For example,
the crime of genocide was first enshrined in international law in the 1948
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
It is obviously true that some UN agencies and organs
carry out valuable and useful work. However, there are two ways of looking at
this. The first is that UN work often duplicates programs and programs
carried out by NGOs, national governments and charities. Its work is useful,
but by no means indispensable.
The second way of approaching this question is to ask
whether these are core functions of the UN – in other words, whether
preserving world heritage or co-ordinating vaccination programmes is what the
UN is really “for”. We can admit that some UN agencies do good work but still
believe that as a body; overall the United Nations has failed.
Many UN organs carry out valuable work around the
world. The United Nations is far more than simply a debating
forum; it does a massive amount of vital work around the world through its other
organs. Examples of these are the World Health Organisation (WHO), UNESCO,
UNICEF, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and the High Commissioner
for Refugees (UNHCR) among many others.
Even if the slow speed of diplomacy at the UN General
Assembly can sometimes be frustrating, the idea that the United Nations as a
whole has “failed” simply does not take account of all these very important
bodies. Furthermore, the UN remains one of the most respected of
international organisations among ordinary citizens.
This debate is about whether or not the UN has failed.
It may well be that the response to a failing organisation is not abolition
but wholesale reform, as the opposition argue here, but that would not change
the fact that the UN has not achieved what it was designed to do. And while
reform has been promised for many decades, nothing has ever been done to
resolve the systemic flaws of this organisation. So promises of reform are an
unsatisfactory answer to the charges against the UN.
Solution to problems of UN is to reform outdated
structures. It is undeniably true that some
of the UN’s procedures need to be improved, and standards of financial
transparency improved. However, this is true of many governments and
international organisations, not just the UN. The answer to the UN’s problems
is not to give up on it but rather reform it for the 21st century, including
perhaps changing or augmenting the permanent membership of the Security
Council to reflect the reality of the modern world.
It is arguable that the era of globalisation makes the
United Nations less important, not more. Trade disputes are settled
bilaterally or through the WTO; economic crises through the offices of the
World Bank and IMF; security problems, as often as not, through the mediation
of the US or other interested powers. All too often, the UN is a forum not
for dispute resolution but the airing of grievances against other nations.
For example, in the run up to the 2003 Iraq War, both the United States and
its detractors, such as France, used the UN to publicise and justify their
position on military action, not to discuss it in any meaningful way. If a
United Nations did not exist, and we were obliged to invent one, we would
hopefully do a better job next time!
As world becomes more globalised, the need for a global
forum for resolving problems becomes ever more important. In a globalised economy nations depend on each other
as never before, and the costs of war and conflict grow ever higher. So it is
more important than ever than countries have a forum for resolving their
disputes and simply talking to each other. Regional bodies such as the EU or
ASEAN can perform some of these functions, and specialised bodies such as the
WTO some others; but there can never be a substitute for the global forum
provided by the UN. If the United Nations did not exist, we would have to
invent it.