Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Your excellencies the committees,
The honorable adjudicators, and
Dear audiences,
All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world who created everything in this universe. Peace and salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who brought us to the new great civilization.
In this opportunity I’d like to deliver a speech, entitled:
Preserve Indonesian Culture
Dear audience
The Oxford dictionary defines culture as the totality of the way of life evolved by people in their attempts to meet the challenges of living in their environment. Culture should not be interpreted merely as a return to the customs of the past.
Culture helps us develop and mould our attitudes and characters to be productive, useful, purposely and progressive lives. Wherever people in the world must love their own cultures as it is their own identities.
Dear Audience
Indonesia has many traditional cultures that attract both domestic and overseas tourists. For example, the overseas tourists from different countries learn Bali’s traditional dance. They are also interested in gamelan, a Javanese traditional instrument.
Today, Indonesian cultures go world wide. The performance of leather puppet  from East Java is translated into multi languages: English, Mandarin, even Germany.  Gaura an Australian, and Elizabeth an American are sinden (Javanese traditional singer). They love Javanese culture, so they have been staying in Java for years only for learning and being sinden.
Traditional cultures of Indonesia are valuable heritage. Unfortunately, the young generation doesn’t care of traditional cultures anymore. Modern life influences them to forget their own. They though modern life is more comfortable and simple, so they easily leave their traditional.
Dear Audience
The fact stimulates us to preserve our culture with some reasons. 
1.  Culture is identity of nation. Pendet dance, Jaipong dance, Reog Ponorogo, Leather Puppet, Batik art are identity of Indonesia.
2.  Culture is a valuable heritage as it is created by the previous generation to inherit it to the next generation.
3.  Culture is wealth. It is the valuable asset to keep and develop by the young generation.
4. Culture means the unity of our nation.  Although Indonesia has a variety of cultures in every region, but can still appreciate each other and respecting differences. So that can unite all people of Indonesia.
5. Claims from others. Batik, Indonesian puppets (Wayang), Reog Ponorogo,  Pendet dance, has been claimed and bulgarized for many times by others  countries.
Dear Audiences,
Today we find ourselves trapped between two contemporary cultures, the traditional and western. Western culture is more dominant than traditional. Most of Indonesian Youth think that traditional cultures are old fashioned, dirty, or even primitive, so they keep away from traditional.
Therefore, as young generation we have to save and preserve our culture. The easiest way to preserve culture is loving all about our own country, for instance dancing and singing traditional songs, playing traditional instruments, buying traditional clothing or handicraft, using traditional herbs and medicine as daily lifestyle.
The next way is pride. The pride of being Indonesian who has valuable cultures with multi customs and manners will lead the people to have sense of belonging. The  cultures we have will unite the people within nation.
That’s all my speech. Hoping that it will be useful to motivate young generation to protect and preserve Indonesian cultures. Our culture is our pride. Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum warrahamatullahi wa barakatuh.

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