Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Your excellencies the committees,
The honorable adjudicators, and
Dear audiences,
All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world who created everything in this universe. Peace and salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who brought us to the new great civilization.
In this opportunity I’d like to deliver a speech, entitled :
Problems of Unemployment
Dear Audience           
Unemployment is the condition when the people are jobless and unpaid. The have no income to run their lives. Unemployment causes poverty in the nation. The poverty isthe condition when the people are lack of basic human needs, insufficient of resources, both material and non-material, such as income, housing, health and education.
Unemployment is serious problem that our government faces. Our leaders are trying their utmost best to solve it wisely. If it is not solved sooner, a social revolution may take place to have its solution.
The main cause of unemployment is the repaid growth of populations. The world population has increased by three times. When people multiply, there raises the problems of unemployment and it becomes difficult for government to provide employment to a sufficient number of people.As the growth of populations is going unchecked, jobs and services in a given field commonly remains insufficient.
Dear Audience
There are three types of unemployment
1. Labor class : They are not educated people without possessing any technical qualifications. Sometimes they find employment and sometimes they return to their houses without finding employment. They are habituated to adjust themselves with the circumstance, though they also become irradiated and disappointed sometimes when problems of food and clothing arise before them. This is the case with general labor of the cities.
2. Educated class : They are educated people but they are jobless.Since the number of educated persons is increasing day by day, we are not in a position to afford a venue of work for this growing number. As such our educated persons are very much disappointed when they wander dark roads in search of employment. As they do not possess any practical training, they only try to find clerical job which are not sufficiently according to the increasing number of educated persons. It has become a very ticklish problem which is being faced by our government.
Dear Audience
Unemployment is a serious problem specially in developing countries. The government do many efforts to solve this problem.
1. Stop internal conflict as economic growth depends on the domestic political situation. When political domestic is secure, the investors will come to invest their money, establish companies and create job opportunity for the unemployment.
2. Develop agriculture and farming as the base of economic policy. The food is essential for the people, so the government should try hard provide this in sufficient amount.
3. Develop competitive industries based on their own resources so that they can constantly import the products to have more devisa to continue the development of the country.
Dear Audience
Now we come to the conclusion that theunemployment is never ending problem that leads the people to poverty, so all efforts should appy to solve this problem.   The best solution that the Indonesian youth and educated people should change their mind to create self-employment, rather than searching for jobs and services, as it will waste their time and  energy. This is the time for them to be independent, being businessmen and interpreuneurs to give opportunity to the unemployment is the wise one.
That’s all my speech. Hoping that it will inspire the Indonesian youth to think to be independent individuals. Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum warrahamatullahi wa barakatuh.

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