The Way to Intensify the Rehearsal: No Euphemism!

The Way to Intensify the Rehearsal: No Euphemism!

Kudeso’s Rehearsal which was held on Saturday, 28th December 2013, starting from 11.00 am – 01.30 pm, had several activities. Before the activity began, Pak Lala affirmed that there would not be euphemism when he and Bu Wulan gave comments about the members’ performance. They expected rich perspective, not poor one. So, the members should prepare to hear biting comments if their performance were poor. This was considered important to intensify the quality of the rehearsal, and every single progress was to be appreciated.
The first activity was individual work to give out first impression of an ASUS smart phone advertisement video. In the add, there was a gorilla wearing a tie and playing with ASUS smartphone. After watching the video, most of the first impression of Kudeso’s members was being surprised because the star of the add was a gorilla – an animal which was almost extinct and known as a scary one. However, there were many other different impressions emerged, such as being amazed, scared, and even offended. The advertisement was unique and impressive indeed.
After hearing the first impression of all members, Pak Lala as the head couch of Kudeso asked the members to watch the add one more time and to figure out the message being delivered in that add. There are some interesting questions which waited to be answered by the members, such as:
·         Why does the add use a gorilla as the main character?
·         Why does the gorilla wear a tie?
·         Why is in the beginning of the add, the gorilla plays game?
·         Why does the gorilla not sit in office room even though he is wearing ‘formal suit’?
·         Why does the gorilla’s wife ask about her purse?
·         Why does the gorilla throw away the obviously expensive purse and just buy another purse in an online shop?

Some of the members could give very broad perspective about the add, but Bu Wulan considered it was a pity that no one accentuated the funny things about the add, such as how a big, powerful and scary animal like a gorilla still feared his couple the most and how happy he was just because he had won the game in the smart phone. Pak Lala added that in judging something (in this case, the video), the debaters should examine the variables presented, such as:
·         The gorilla
·         ASUS smartphone
·         The purse
·         The wife
The debaters should be able to draw connection among the variables. As pointed out by Arif, gorillas could be seen as the symbol of power, so it meant that the people who could buy and use ASUS smart phones are ones who had power and could buy anything. The game feature which was heavily showed in the add also implied that “people with tie” had many stress, so they needed entertainment, and it could be found in the games. As for the purse and the wife, it had firm connection. As explained by Anisa, the purse was seen as the symbol of socialita. Many of the socialita, especially officials’ wives think that their purses are very important to show their social status, so it makes sense that they would be very demanding about that.

In addition, there were some social criticism emerging from the add, such as the rich people wasting their money for their own enjoyment while the poor people hardly can earn money to give food for their family, as well as these days, it seems only rich people who can get important position in the society. According to the fact, Pak Lala confirmed that a debater should not only view a matter from their personal perspective, but also from social one. They should be able to draw what social criticism could be drawn from that matter.
The rehearsal continued by discussing the relinquishing of Timor Timur (now Timor Leste) from Indonesia at 1999. Because this matter (and generally every motion) required a lot of historical knowledge, it was essential that the debaters read many history books. A very intriguing notion which would be the motion for debating rehearsal was: This house would blame Habibie for the independency of Timor Leste. It surely was the most extreme motion, because it involved the former president from Indonesia Habibie, United Nations (PBB), the people of Timor Timur who were divided into pro-independence and pro-integration, and the final decision taken for Timor Timur, one of the Indonesia’s area which was rich in natural resources. Hopefully the result of the debating rehearsal will be reported by another Kudeso’s member who attended the second session of rehearsal.
Don’t forget that it’s H-99 for SEADO! Keep spirit, fellows! And don’t forget to put your comments below. :) (Yulianti Wulansari)

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