To Be is a verb. It is linking verb.
To Be has the following forms:
Present simple:

I am
You are
He/She/It is
We are
You are
They are
Question form:
Am I?
Are you?
Is he/she it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?
I am not/ I’m not
You are not/ aren’t
He/She/It is not/ isn’t
We are not/aren’t
You are not/aren’t
They are not/aren't
Past simple

I was
You were
He/She/It was
We were
You were
They were
The past participle:


Present perfect:

has/have been

Past perfect:

had been

The verb be is used in the following patterns:
1. with a noun:
My mother is a teacher.
Sukarno was the first president of the Indonesia.

2. with an adjective:
This soup is very tasty.
The children were good.

2.1 with the -ing form to make the continuous aspect
We were walking down the street.
Everything was wet. It had been raining for hours.

2.2 with the -ed form to make the passive voice
The house was built in 1890.
The street is called Jalaksana Street.
This car was made in Indonesia.

3. with a prepositional phrase:
Ahmad and his wife are from Makkah.
The flowers are on the table.

Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of “to be” and “to have”!
1.      I . . . happy.
2.      He . . . smart.

Activity 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of “to be” and “to have”!
Hello. I 1) _____ Salman Punjabi. Everybody calls me Salman. I 2) ________ a student at
SMA 5 Semarang. My father’s name 3) _______ Richard Chang. He 4) _______ a policeman. My mother 5) _______ a homemaker. I 6) a brother. He studies at Diponegoro University. I like playing basket ball at school. I play in the afternoon with my friend. I want to be a politician someday. You can contact me at 085 3444 777.

Hello, I want you to meet my friend Dwi Nanda Fajar. I call her Fajar. Fajar 1) ________ 15 years old. She lives at 5 Rejosari Street. She likes traveling and watching television. She likes watching Korean drama “ Boys over Flowers”. Her favourite film actor 2) _______ Rain. Fajar 3) ________ two sisters: Eka and Tri. Eka 4) _______ a student at elementary school. Tri works for a travel agency. She 5) ________ a tour guide.

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