Ziyad Muhammad Imani


Informasi Umum:

Full Name                :  Ziyad Muhammad Imani                    
Surname                   :  Ziyad
Place, Date of Birth :  Bogor, 04 Februari 2002
Gender                     : Man
Religion                    : Islam
Adress                      : Jl. Hegarmanah III, No. 73
                                    Gunungbatu (16118), Bogor Barat,
                                    West Java, Indonesia
Hobby                      : Reading, Writing, Photography
Email                        : ziyadmuhammadimani@gmail.com
Phone Number         : (+62)81266196635 (SMS/WhatsApp)
Height                      : 169 centimeter
Weight                     : 54 kilogram
Blood Type              : O
Status                       : Single  

1.         2006-2008: Private Kindergarten, TK Bina Insan Taqwa, Bogor, West Java.
2.         2008-2014: Integrated Islamic Primary School, SDIT At-Taufiq Bogor, Bogor, West Java.
3.         2014-2017: Integrated Islamic Junior High School, SMPIT At-Taufiq Bogor, Bogor, West Java.
4.         2017-Present: Islamic High School, Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren Husnul Khotimah Kuningan, Kuningan, West Java.

1.         2015-2016: Secretary of OSIS, Inter School Student Organization, SMPIT At-Taufiq Bogor.
2.         2015-2016: Vice Chairman of SALAM, Forum of Moslem Students of Bogor City.

1.         2012: Passed Young Learners English (YLE) MOVERS Test in Jakarta. Organized by the University of Cambridge - ESOL Examinations Program.
2.         2012: Semifinalist of Science Smart Quiz Competition, Junior Agro Enviro Ambassador - 4th IAAS Olympic. For Elementary School (SD). Organized by Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).
3.         2013: 1st Winner of Recycle Handicraft Competition, Ajang Prestasi Pahlawan Hemat Energi 2013, National level, for Elementary School (SD) level. Organized by the General Directorate of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia.
4.         2013: Semifinalist of Qur’anic Smart Quiz, Ajang Prestasi Tebarkan Semangat Al-Qur’an 3 (ABATASA 3). For Elementary School (SD). Organized by Kafila International Islamic School (KIIS).
5.         2015: Passed the Key English Test - Council of Europe Level A2. Organized by Cambridge English Language Assessment - ESOL International.
6.         2016: 2nd Winner of the Smart Quiz Competition of Islamic Knowledge, FATIH 2016. For Junior High School level (SMP). Organized by SMAN 3 Kota Bogor.
7.         2016: 3rd Winner of the Smart Quiz Competition of Science and Technology, 9th D'Creation of KIR IPA SMANDA (9th D'COOKIS). For Junior High School level. Organized by SMAN 2 Kota Bogor in cooperation with LIPI Biotechnology Research Center.
8.         2016: Passed the 30 days Quarantine Program of Qur'an. In the city of Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands. With the achievement of memorizing 18 Juz from Al-Qur'an. Hosted by Ma'had Huffadz International.
9.         2016: Semifinalist of Science Smart Quiz Competition, Science Fair 3rd . For Junior High School level. Organized by Labschool SMA Kornita IPB.
10.     2016: Participant of the Smart Quiz Competition of Islamic Knowledge, Ajang Kreasi Seni Islam Seven 10th  (ACT 10th). For Junior High School level. Organized by SMAN 7 Kota Bogor.
11.     2017: Participant of English Debate Competition Contest, English Edutainment Competition 2017 (EEC 2017). For high school level (SMA). Organized by University of Kuningan.
12.     2018: 3rd Winner of English Smart Quiz, Gebyar FKIP UNISA 2018. For Senior High School level. Organized by Al-Ihya Kuningan Islamic University.
13.     2018: English Debate Competition Contest, Annual English Festival 10th (AEF 10th). For high school level (SMA). Organized by Gunung Jati Swadaya University.
14.     2018: Participant of the Essay Competition, International Essay Competition for Young People 2018, hosted by GOI Peace Foundation Japan.

• Able to communicate and write in English well.
• Language Proficiency:
1. Language: Native (Native Language: Indonesian)
2. English: Key English Qualification - Council of Europe level A2 (Passed)
• Likes Reading, Drawing, Writing, Photography, Social Media, and Politics.
• Effective in multicultural communications, able to motivate others, able to work well under pressure, have leadership skills, be able to speak in public, work hard and be able to work in teams.

I hereby declare that this information is true and complete.

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