THBT Ganjil - Genap Policy Brings More Harm Than Good
Cars – Jakarta – 06.00 – 10.00 (August 01
– 06.00. 21.00)
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat; Jalan M.H.
Thamrin; Jalan Jenderal Sudirman; Jalan Gatot Subroto; dan sebagian Jalan
Jenderal S Parman (mulai dari Simpang Jalan Tomang Raya sampai Simpang Jalan
KS. Tubun)., Jalan MT Haryono; Jalan HR Rasuna Said; Jalan Jenderal DI
Panjaitan; Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani; dan sebagian jalan Benyamin Sueb (mulai
dari Bundaran Angkasa sampai Kupingan Ancol).
Purpose: Decrease the traffic jam,
encourage the citizen to use public transportation
Ganjil - Genap
Policy disturbs the transportation. It becomes a problem for the private car
Ganjil - Genap
Policy has been proven to decrease the traffic jam. It is reported by CNN
Indonesia on July 2, 2018. The traffic in 49 roads in Jakarta is decreased.
Ganjil - Genap
Policy encourages cheating. The rich people buy more than one car and set to
get odd and even number for his car
Ganjil - Genap
Policy encourages people to use public transportation
The ticket / Tilang
creates traffic jam, which sometimes worse than before the policy is applied.
Ganjil - Genap
Policy help the government to decrease pollution
It is absolutely
bad for the Transportation Company.
It is bad for the
company especially who use official car (mobil dinas). They need to buy new
cars and set the number or rent a car with more money.
Aliansi Driver Online (Aliando) April Baja said to CNN on September 4, the
their income is decreasing 40 to 60 %. A driver usually gets 500.000 –
600.000 per day for 26 days on, now he can only drivers for 13 days only.