Conversation Of The Day Part 10

Conversation Of The Day
Part 10
I Am Starving - Saya Lapar
Ridwan : I am starving. Do you have good food?         
Seller : Yes, we have porridge, fried rice, soup and fried chicken.
Ridwan : Can I have a bowl of porridge, soup and a glass of milk?
Seller : Yes, wait a minute.
Ridwan : Take it to my table, please! Where is my order?
Seller : Can you wait for a moment? Here it is.
Ridwan : The porridge is delicious but it’s too salty  for me, the milk is cold and it’s too sweet, the soup is also too sour.
Seller : I am deeply sorry.
Ridwan  : By the way, how much is it?
Seller : It is Rp. 25.000.
Ridwan : Wow it’s too expensive.
Seller : That’s cheap enough.
Ridwan : Here it is.

Good food : Makanan enak
Porridge : Bubur
Fried rice : Nasi goreng
Fried chicken : Ayam goreng
Soup : Sup
Order : Pesanan
Delicious : Harga terbaik
Salty :  Dapat
Sweet : Manis
Sour : Asam
Expensive : Majalah
Cheap : Murah

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