Conversation of The Day Part 11

Conversation Of The Day
Part 11
I Am Thirsty - Saya haus
Ridwan : I am thirsty. Do you have something to drink?        
Seller : We have milk, coffee and juices. Which one do you want?
Ridwan : I want a cup of coffee.
Seller : Wait a moment, please.
Ridwan : Yes, please.
Seller : This is your order.
Ridwan : Thank you. How much do you want for it? The coffee is not good enough. It’s too hot and bitter.
Seller : Really? I am really sorry. It is Rp. 2.000.
Ridwan : Here it is.
Seller : And here is the change.

Thirsty : Haus
Have : Memiliki
Drink : Meminum
Milk : Susu
Coffee : Kopi
Juice : Jus
Enough : Cukup
Hot : Panas
Bitter : Lebih butuk
Really : Sungguh
Sorry : Mohon maaf.
Change : Kembalian.

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