Conversation of The Day Part 16

Conversation Of The Day
Part 16
The Book Is Lost - Bukunya Hilang
Ridwan :  Assalamu’alaikum.
Librarian : Wa’alaikumsalam. What can I do for you?
Ridwan : I am so sorry, Sir.The book I borrowed last week is lost.
Librarian : How come?
Ridwan : I put it on my table in the class. In the following day, when I entered the class, the book was not there anymore.
Librarian : You are careless. You must be careful!
Ridwan :  I am deeply sorry. That’s my fault. What should I do?
Librarian : You must replace it with the similar book.
Ridwan : Alright, I promise to replace it with the similar book.

Borrow(ed) :    Meminjam
Last week :     Minggu lalu
Lost :  Hilang
Put :  Meletakkan
Following day :  Esok hari
Enter(ed) :  Memasuki
Careless : Ceroboh
Careful : Hati-hati
Fault :  Kesalahan
Promise :  Berjanji
Replace :  Mengganti
Similar :  Serupa

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