Conversation of The Day Part 17

Conversation Of The Day
Part 17
Can I Get Attendance List?
Furqon : Assalamu'alaikum.
Administrator :  Wa'alaikumsalam. What can I do for you?
Furqon : Can I get the attendance list?
Administrator : Please take it in the locker!
Furqon : Alright.
Administrator : What else do you need?
Furqon : Can I have marker and paper?
Administrator : Here they are. Please Sign here! Anything else?
Furqon : Can I get the students list?
Administrator : Which class?
Furqon : X - Religion - 1, Please!
Administrator :Here it is.
Furqon : Thank you.

Take : Mengambil
Need : Membutuhkan
Locker : Loker
Sign : Menandatangani
Marker : Spidol
Paper : Kertas
Attendance list : Daftar hadir
Anything else : Ada lagi
Students list : Daftar siswa
Which : Yang mana
Class : Kelas
Religion : Agama

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