Conversation Of The Day Part 18

Conversation Of The Day
Part 18
Can I Have Chalk and Paper?
Furqon : Assalamu’alaikum.
Administrator : Wa’alaikumsalam. What do you need?
Furqon : Can I have chalk?
Administrator : Here is the chalk.  Not more than 4, please!
Furqon : Alright, thank you.
Administrator : Anything else?
Furqon : Can I get folio paper and red pen?
Administrator : Yes, here they are.
Furqon : Thank you very much. the way, can I refill the marker?
Administrator : Yes, here is the ink.
Furqon : Thank you very much.
Administrator : You are welcome.

Need :            Memerlukan
Chalk : Kapur
Get : Mendapatkan
Here : Disini
Marker : Spidol
Ink : Tinta
Anything else : Ada lagi
Folio paper : Kertas folio
Red pen : Pulpen merah
Refill : Mengisi ulang
Alright : Baiklah
More than : Lebih dari

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