Conversation Of The Day Part 7

Conversation Of The Day
Part 7
Let’s Go to Canteen - Ayo Pergi ke Kantin
Ridwan: Zahran. It's break time. Come on. Let's go to the canteen.
Zahran : Yes, come on, Sultan please come with us.
Sultan : I am coming.
Ridwan: What shall we have?
Zahran : I want a bowl of noodle
Sultan : I want iced tea.
Ridwan : Let's have both.
Sultan : How much does a bowl of noodle cost?
Seller  : It is Rp. 6.000.
Zahran : Give us 3 bowls of noodle and 3 glasses of iced tea.
Seller : Here they are.
Sultan : Thank you. I shall pay after eating.
Seller : No problem.
Ridwan : I shall pay for noodle.
Zahran  : Then I shall pay for iced tea.
Sultan : Then I must say thanks to both of you.

Break time :Waktu istirahat
Bowl : Mangkuk
Noodle : Mie
Iced tea : Es tes
Both : Keduanya
Cost : Harganya
Give : Memberikan
Shall : Akan
Pay : Membayar
Afte : Setelah
Must : Harus
Say : Mengatakan

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