Conversation Of The Day Part 8

Conversation Of The Day
Part 8
Bargaining - Tawar Menawar
Ridwan :  Assalamu’alaikum.       
Zahran : Wa’alaikumsalam.
Ridwan : How much is it?
Zahran : It is Rp. 25.000.
Ridwan : Can you go lower?
Zahran : Make me offer, please?
Ridwan : What about Rp. 20.000?
Sultan : I am sorry. It is not a fair price. I might take a little less. It is Rp. 23.000.
Ridwan : Is that your best price?
Sultan : Yes, it is a fair price. That's the best I can do. So, what do you think?
Ridwan : Let me think about it. OK. I will take it.

How much : Berapa harga
Lower : Lebih rendah
Offer : Tawaran
Fair price : Harga yang tepat
Can : Dapat
Little less : Sedikit berkurang
Best price : Harga terbaik
Can : Dapat
Let : Biarkan
Think : Berpikir
About : Majalah
Take : Mengambil

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