Muhammad Romadhon Mubarok,  MA Husnul Khotimah Kuningan.

The students brawl happened in Bekasi on March 2017 was a terrible tragedy. A critical student and two others died horribly. The tragedy became a trending topic in both local and national media. It proved that student violence issue has become the public concern.

Based on the data released by Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), according to the survey of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW),  84% of children in Indonesia have experienced violence at school. The rate of violent cases at school in Indonesia is higher than Vietnam (79%), Nepal (79%), Cambodia (73%), and Pakistan (43%).  The data indicate that Indonesia needs to improve itself, especially in adolescent education, because the education becomes a benchmark of developed countries.

Students are the seeds of future leaders of a nation. More attention to the students will encourage them to contribute to the development of the nation. On the local stage of their regions, students should have a significant effect. Through their local regions, the students can provide suggestions and feedback regarding to the development of the region, not least in the Kuningan regency.    

In accordance with Regent of Kuningan, H. Acep Purnama, S.H., M.H., that with the targeting of Kuningan as education regency, adolescent education issues deservedly become a top priority for local government.  It should be started from the reform of education policy, equitable distribution of education, to the prevention of violence committed by unscrupulous students.

Related to the students violence in Kuningan, the local government has worked hard for preventing it massively. Police patrols around the vulnerable areas is one example of preventing violence among students. However, prevention is a temporary and just to solve the problem at the time of the incident. Therefore, early prevention is badly needed.
Based on the problems above, the author has an innovative idea in preventing the brawl of students early, by building the first youth center in Kuningan named GERAKU (Gelanggang Remaja Kuningan). It is an attractive medium for students which combines key areas of interest and talent development, such as Cultural Arts, Sports, and of course Academics. So, the students are expected to focus more on interest and talent development activities, and make friendships among them.


1.         Preventing student brawls in Kuningan regency.
2.         Building the first youth center in Kuningan regency.
3.         Establishing friendship among students in Kuningan regency.
4.         Creating a medium for the development of interest and talent in Kuningan regency.


There are three key areas in GERAKU which focus on the development of interest and talent. First, cultural arts field whose aim is to increase student awareness of local art to study and preserve. Second, sports field aims at forming athletes at the student level, so that students can contribute to provincial, national, and international competitions. Third, academics fields aims at enriching students' insights in discussion forums such as seminars, workshops, and conferences.

When students are led to positive things, they will result both positive actions and behaviors. When students are led to be active in youth activities outside school, they will encourage students to a mutual friendship among them. This can indirectly prevent the occurrence of early student brawl.

Student Brawl Phenomenon in Kuningan Regency

Student brawl in Kuningan regency happened several times. The latest data, in 2017, there was a brawl between the students of a private SMK Kuningan and a private SMK Cirebon. The Head of Police Sector (Polsek) of Cilimus said that there were about 37 students secured and given direct coaching by the police.

The frequency of student brawl in Kuningan regency is not as many as in other big cities. However, it is possible to increase in the future more than other big cities. Therefore, early prevention is badly needed.

General Description of GERAKU

Picture 1. GERAKU Blueprint

GERAKU is the youth center in Kuningan regency, whose function is a medium for the development of interest and talent. There are three important points of interest and talent development at GERAKU; they are Cultural Arts, Sport, and Academics. Therefore, the design of the building consists of several related rooms; such as, Studio Art, Theater Room, Sports Hall (GOR), Indoor Swimming Pool, Auditorium, GERAKU Official Office, Kuningan Student Forum Secretariat, Library, and Musala. GERAKU blueprint in detail is shown on the Picture 1.

Picture 1 illustrates that the outside of the building consists of various kinds of Food Courts, Student Park, Kuningan Student Union Monument, and Multipurpose Field. Student Park and Kuningan Student Union Monument created with the aim to attract the attention of students. GERAKU established with the concept that is not monotonous innovation in order to prevent a brawl. Students prefer to the concept of novelty, and full of prevailing norms. The description of each place shown on Table 1.

Table 1. Description of Indoor and Outdoor Place

GERAKU Implementation Plot on Preventing Student Brawl

The following is the author's innovation that will be elaborated in the GERAKU implementation Plot in Kuningan regency:

Picture 2. GERAKU Implementation Plot

Picture 2 is the author's analysis of the implementation of GERAKU in prevention of student brawl. This plot indicates that all parties should support and concern on the prevention of student brawl. Local government, GERAKU official, school principal, student forum and parents should act synergistically.


GERAKU (Gelanggang Remaja Kuningan) is a writer’s innovative idea aiming to prevent students brawl early and effectively. Students can develop their interest and talent in GERAKU through three important point: Cultural Arts, Sports, and Academics.
Local government, GERAKU official, school principal, student forum and parents should work together for the success of this innovation. Students should be the main concern of all parties because today students are future leaders. Lastly, "Let's stop the brawl, before the brawl stops the nation's future!”

[1] Surjaya, Abdullah M. Dua Pelajar Tewas dan Satu Kritis, Empat Pelaku Tawuran di Bekasi Diringkus. March 13, 2017. (Accessed on October 6, 2017)

[2] Hendrian, Dedi. Berdasarkan Rilis KPAI, 84 Persen Anak di Indonesia Mengalami Kekerasan di Sekolah. February 22, 2017. (Accessed on October 6, 2017)

[3] Suprayudi, Yudi. Kuningan Canangkan sebagai Kabupaten Kuningan. May 3, 2016. (Accessed on October 6, 2017)

[4 Ramadhan, Riki. Polsek Cilimus Berhasil Meringkus 37 Pelajar SMK yang Terlibat dalam Aksi Tawuran. April 28, 2017. (Accessed on October 7, 2017)

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