Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Your excellencies the committees,
The honorable adjudicators, and
Dear audiences,
All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world who created everything in this universe. Peace and salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who brought us to the new great civilization.
In this opportunity I’d like to deliver a speech, entitled :
Child Labour
Dear Audience
Child labour is the wrong practice running in the society worldwide for years from the ancient time. It is not only a national issue but it is a worldwide issue. Child labour is the act of involving children in some type of labour at very low cost to get efficient work by the owners, industrialists, businessmen, etc. Generally they involve children in economic activity on part time basis.
Child labor is mostly caused by poverty and low education. Poverty forces the parents to allow their children to work in such condition. Because of the poor condition and lack of knowledge, poor children become ready to work hard for a little payment where they are used as domestic workers in the urban areas. This condition of child labour almost resembles to the situation of slavery. Most of the parents give birth to their children only to earn money and strengthen their financial condition. They involve their kids in the domestic works as their support. We generally see children working in the tea stalls, dhabas, restaurants, hotels, and other hazardous occupations.
Somewhere children work for full night and over time without any leave to get more financial help. Child labour interferes with the physical and mental development of the children. It has taken its deep root in the society because of poverty, lack of shelter and food, lack of facilities for poor people, lack of education, big gap between rich and poor, growth of informal economy, etc.
Dear Audience
Child labour is a crime. It takes their sweet and memorable childhood. It interferes with their regular schooling as it disturbs them mentally, physically, socially and morally. It is very dangerous. This exploitative practice is still continuing by various international organizations despite of various strict rules and regulations all across the world which prohibits child labour.
The highest incidence rate of child labour was in sub-Saharan Africa in 2010. According to this, more than 50% of the children (aged 5-14 years) of Africa were working. The agriculture field worldwide has been a largest employer of child labour for years. A big percentage of child labour is found in the rural settings and informal urban economy where children are forcefully employed by their owner or parents.
Dear Audience
Child labour is a global issue, it is not the issue of our country only so, it needs a global effort to get removed from the society. It has affected worldwide especially developing countries to a great extent. Children are involved in various types of labour at low payment; bonded child labour is one of them. It is a very old system in India in which children are forced, or partly forced by the owner to perform their job for long time.
Some effort to solve child labour problem :
First, educate yourself. Use resources such as those suggested, and then share what you learn with friends, family, co-workers and others, and work together to increase your voting power.
Second, grow more of your own food. Farmers especially should work hard to provide foods for the people.
Third, give presentations to schools, communities of faith, nonprofits and other groups to educate them about child labor issues and encourage positive action.
We should be aware in detail about this problem and take some positive steps to remove this issue from the society. As being youth of the country, we are highly responsible towards the growth and development of the country, so we should work positively in the fields interfering it to go ahead.
Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warrahamatullahi wa barakatuh.

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