Kumpulan Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris

  1. The Role of Islamic School Teachers Association to Grow Professionals for the Education Development
  2. The Role of Madrasah's Teachers to Build the Islamic Characters of the Future Leaders
  3. Mastering Languages for the Purpose of Dakwah
  4. Conserve Our Languages to Conserve Our Cultures
  5. A New Concept in Preserving the National Cultures of Indonesia
  6. The Perfect Chance
  7. The Importance of Mastering English
  8. Save Our Environment
  9. The Role of Madrasah to Build Islamic Characters of the Future Leaders
  10. The Role of Islamic Students in Developing Indonesia
  11. The Importance of Education in Society
  12. AFTA - AEC and Indonesia Indonesia Opportunity
  13. Poverty and Its Solution in Developing Countries
  14. Youth and Drugs
  15. Preserve Indonesian Cultures
  16. Problems of Unemployment
  17. Child Labor
  18. Be A Young Entrepreneur

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