The Role of The Islamic School Teachers Association to Grow Professionals for the Education Development

Jaruki Andriansyah Maulana
Kuningan – Jawa Barat

Without teachers, we would have no doctors, no builders, no scientists.
Without teachers, there would be no civilization, no society, no future.
And that is the teacher, the fountain of knowledge, the gate keeper, the fate master of this world.

Respectful judges, committees, and all fellow participants of the 4th Porseni 2018.
Assalamu’alaikum, wr.wb.
Believe it. The only reason we are still living in this world full of catastrophe is the love of our almighty god, who always gives us his mercies and blessings, all day, all night, not even a second stops. And also we must be grateful to our prophet Muhammad SAW, along with his families, his friends and his fellow followers until the end of the time.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Indonesia, our beloved country, determined to be an independent, advanced, fair, and prosperous nation. We believe it can be achieved if the development of education becomes the priority of the nation and fortunately it has been done by the government, especially by spending 20% of the national expenditure for education development.
If we see the fact around, I think you agree with me, that the current regulations and provisions in the field of education are sufficient. The only challenge is on how we implement it comprehensively and accurately, to apply it based on the first objectives, to omit the barriers, the missing links between the policy makers and the practitioners.
Well, many have said, and I am trying to agree, that in order to create links between the policy makers and the reality, the current condition of the teaching and learning process at schools, we need those who understand both the practices and the policies. And I believe those are the professionals, and obviously including us. Therefore, let’s talk about what we, as the Islamic school teachers, could possibly do regarding this issue.
Ladies and gentlemen,
On the 24th of July 2008, we have been united in an organization called “The Islamic School Teachers Association” / “Persatuan Guru Madrasah.” That was a great milestone and that was a great potential for us. Then, what we need to do now is “Optimization.” We unite tightly, tighter than ever before, and practically play our own important roles in it, optimize all potentials we have.
After that, the Islamic school teachers association must be a medium or maybe a place which produces the qualified teachers, the professionals. Therefore, the professional development must be the core program of the association. The educational seminars, teachers training and teachers education must be held continuously and professionally. The topics must be up to date. The speakers must be the policy makers and professionals on education.
We must learn from our neighbor, who has learned from us a long time ago, Malaysia. Malaysian department of education has made regular and continuous agenda with all teachers in every level of education. What they do is actually simple but it is really powerful to the development of education there. First, they research the needs of the students as well as the teaching and learning process. Then, they adapt the current curriculum based on the results of the research. In every three months, they gather all teachers from every district to socialize it and finally train them to be better teachers that suit today condition. Through this way, the practitioners, in this context, the teachers, get equal and correct understanding about educational policies and teaching methods. As a result, they gain standardized teachers, standardized students, and standardized graduates. So, from those ideas, let’s optimize our association as an organization, a place for us to learn, to share and to empower, to be better and more professional teachers.
Besides that, the Islamic school teachers association must be a medium for scientific discussion which is based on and implemented to the teaching and learning process in the Islamic school. So, this association can be the best place for us to learn, to share and to empower. This will also encourage us to research and publish as part of our.
So, ladies and gentlemen.
If it’s done, if it’s done professionally, I believe that professionals will be grown among us. Equal and correct understanding about educational policies will be formed and finally we can give our optimum contribution to the development of education.
But, ladies and gentlemen,
Nothing will be changed until someone changes something!  Then, “Be the change you wish to see in the world!” As Allah SWT stated in the holy Quran, “I will not change a condition of the people until they change it by themselves.”
Therefore, let’s learn! Let’s unite tightly! Let’s Learn! Let’s share! And Let’s empower! Be proud of being Islamic teachers and be proud of our association! Let the world know that this association is a place producing professionals, breeding innovation, and finally leading our nation to be the great Islamic civilization.
Indonesia   must be proud of us. Indonesia has   more   than   700 thousand Islamic school teachers. If Soekarno once said that he could ‘shake’ the world with only 10 people who have truthful love to their nation, so what on earth we cannot do with 700 thousand of Islamic school teachers? Don’t wait for Indonesia, because Indonesia has been waiting for us!
Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum, wr.wb.

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