Sepucuk Surat dari Seorang Sahabat

Sepucuk Surat dari Seorang Sahabat

January, 27th 2014
Dear  KUDESO Excellentia,
Happy great day debaters!

I am going to say sorry beforehand for this post.  I know that I am no body in your club.  I am definitely not a part in your rotation, but really I couldn’t hide to say “I am terribly sad“ when I read your testimony (all of you).  And this is not testimony, I call this is just what I feel as the close neighbor club.  Aren’t we? 

You may think that I am bad, sassy girl, busy body in your business or whatever judgment that you put in your head.  The only one that i am going to show you right now is I smile at the irony in myself  and say-this is  just because of you are all the great and everything you hold is excellent.  This is because of I don’t want to miss your heartbeat as the acceleration that you have.

I can’t believe when some of you said “we will come to an end”, when you ‘re talking about the next generation which is so complicated and painful and the other complexity that you are still keeping on.  I just highlighted one point - KUDESO will always be great.  You all have the character of winner; commitment, passion, dedication, being hard learner and many more. I WANT THAT, really. I want to sit next to the Anisa, kang Ageng, kang Jaruki and other members as the student in the same name of college, if I were your youngster I certainly will take the golden ticket and run as acceleration.  Anyway, I am just trying to be honest.

Hey, did you remember there was a podium between us in about a year ago? It happened on the day school started after a heavenly a month of holidays.  It was a memory at the first cut that we had as the debate club. I was a little nut who just have uncontrolled act and nothing experience in debating, I let my fear in home and held a confidence.   It was “UNIKU VS IAIN SNJ” in PASCA SARJANA building right?  That was ours, KUDESO and IAIN. 

Frankly.. and I am afraid to tell you, I am one of the guys who underestimated you in that my first champ, I thought that-this is just kind a piece of cake to compete with you all and would be able to sweep you from the list.  Then the result has slapped me; you stood in the first rank of VP and I was nothing.  You may hate me or condemn on that one. Sure you can do it right now (or you may chat in my facebook account).

There is like a line connecting between KUDESO and IAIN debating club.  Since we are getting closer by debate’s signals and IAIN absorbs so much great new knowledge and experiences from our togetherness after all, we also could get some of trophies in this year. And now I ask myself, Is it good influence?  Exactly.  That’s how KUDESO inspires us.

Even though you (KUDESO) and I (IAIN) can’t be “us” and never be “us”, but surely I have key point which is presented from my lecturer.  He is the one of inspirer for many people not only student, he has one thing that majority don’t have; his huge passion, yes it is.  Also we know that he is qualified in many things, so then you call him by extraordinary head coach Mr. Lala Bumela.  He told a dream when we had a time in phonology class “seharusnya IAIN dan UNIKU itu bias menjadi pusat penggerak peradaban ilmu pengetahuan…”  you know there was a glad, a new hopeful also beauty of another passion that I felt in that time and I am strongly with him.  That’s why I am going to fall in very high speed right now because when I read your testimony, it is like I am the one of ours.

By the way I agree with tabularasa theory showing human being are born like a sheet of white paper avoid of all characters (Jhon Locke), human scan be shaped by their social environmentHere the power is in the environment. And you have very great social environment, you have a life around great people: Mr. Lala Bumela and Miss. Wulan Rahmatunisa and also the other coaches, you have great number of experience and journey of knowledge, you have so much great achievement that you showed in every your testimony.  Getting better life as the learner is luxury, and for all of those I say “congratulation”. 

There is something that I would like to say, “I don’t want to go out from this happiness”. Things we had done a thousand times before. For IAIN today begin like any other day if there is no Kudeso anymore. I still want to prove that we (IAIN and UNIKU) can be driving center and I believe this is true.  I hope we could enrich the next wonderful level of hierarchy.  Someone says- debating does not stop in debate rehearsal and debate competition, it always lives in our life.  ONCE DEBATER IS ALWAYS DEBATER. 

At the end of the day, let’s say “Rock On!!!"

Warm regards,
STONES ( Students of Nurjati Debating Society )

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