Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Your excellencies the committees,
The honorable adjudicators, and
Dear audiences,
All praises be to Allah, the lord of the world who created everything in this universe. Peace and salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who brought us from the darkness to the new bright civilization.
In this opportunity, I’d like to talk about the Importance of Education in Society.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Education is the effort of having knowledge through continuous learning. What we have known and what we have learned both through instructions and observation, then determine what we do. When we learn more, we will get more knowledge, and our mind is always processing new information or trying to analyze the topics or events. Then, we can be better people.
People tend to use education as the pathway to reach a specific target or personal degree. However, the importance of education in society is indispensable and cohering. Let us find out the purposes of education in society and how it affects our lives.
Brothers and sisters,
Terms of education in the society may be in form of high schools, colleges, and universities. Those are to educate people and society. The purposes of education in Society are firstly for self - empowerment. Having a good education helps to empower us, thus it makes us strong enough to look after ourselves in any situation. It keeps us aware of our surrounding as well as the rules and regulations of the society we are living in. It's only through knowledge that we can avail our rights as citizen and seek improvement in the structural functioning of governance and economics. Education helps us understand ourselves better. It helps us realize our potentials and qualities as human being.
Secondly, education gives us financial stability. It helps us gain sufficient academic qualification so that we are able to get suitable employment at a later stage. While we earn for ourselves, we gradually begin to realize the true worth of money and how hard it is to earn it. We feel empowered because there is a new sense of worth that develops within us, and we feel the need to be independent and free from any further financial support.
Another importance of education is growth in personal aspiration. There comes a phase when the amount we are earning presently will seem inadequate because our aspirations and expectations from ourselves would have grown considerably. After this, we want to change jobs so as to have a higher profile. A promotion of this figure can occur in two given situations, which are, that either we have the necessary higher academic qualification or a college degree which allows us to have enough practical experience which allows us to be a suitable candidate for the employment we seek.
Dear Audiences,
Finally, we conclude that education in any stages is very important for the society to have knowledge, and it must not be taken for granted. High education means high professionalism. The job position you apply for waits you anytime. On the contrary, a novice / amateur applicant would need to prepare and learn everything. Educated people are always continuously improving their profile and their knowledge base so as to go higher up on the competitive leader. In economics, qualified people will not require much investment of the employer's time and money.
Education is very significant and crucial in any situation and condition. When all the people in the country are well-educated, they certainly will contribute to the progress of their generation. So, the first thing we can do is improving our capability by learning seriously. Having good attitudes such as discipline, hard working, independent, and honesty are additional points for the youth that will lead them to where they are going to be.
That’s all my speech. Hoping that it will be useful to motivate us to learn more and achieve more so that we are able to contribute to the nation development. Thank you for your great attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum warrahamatullahi wa barakatuh.

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