The Role of Madrasah's Teachers to Build the Islamic Characters of the Future Leaders

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. And the great teacher inspires.
William Arthur ward.
The honorable adjudicators, Mr. Nanang, Mr. Dadang and Mr. Gavin.
And the honourable committess,
And all of the amazing participants and audiences,
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
For the sake of Allah SWT, this world would never exist without His Almightiness, The God of all freckles of the dusts to the vastness of the universe. Thanks to Him and praisesto Him for all the things He has granted us. And may we not forget our Shalawat and Salaam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, along with his families and his fellow followers until the end of the time.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In this happy and blessed moment, we are gathered in this lovely place. In the next few minutes, I would like to share my opinion about The Role of Madrasah's Teachers to Build the Islamic Characters of the Future Leaders.
As we know, Madrasah is an institution that educates the students based on the Islamic teaching, that teaches us: to be intelligent; to be good; to be rich; and most importantly to do everything based on Islam.  In this context, the role of Madrasah is to build Islamic characters of the future leaders.
      What is leadership to us? Is it being a headmaster? For student, being a class leader? Or maybe being a Captain America is what leadership means to us. Well, whatever you think leadership is, leadership is not only about having authority to do anything and be responsible with it. As John Quincy Adams said, If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.So, it proves that we, all of us, the Madrasah teachers are leaders and our responsibility to educate the students to become a good leader in the future.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We live in a such beautiful country where five religions are living here in peace, and Muslims are dominating this country. We know that most of the leaders are Muslims. But, don't we see that many of nowadays leaders can be considered as wrong people to lead? What happened to Indonesia after we are led by those people who don't understand about religion? Some of them were arrested by KPK. Mrs Imas, the Regent of Subang, Mr. Nyono, the Regent of Jombang, and many others. Obviously, we don't want our country to be devastated.
Well, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Unfortunately, this condition is worsen by the apathy of the teachers towards our country’s political condition. Most of us don’t seem to care what happens and what will happen next to our country. We only think how to teach the students well, so they can master the lesson well.
Most of us, the teachers of Madrasah tend to teach only material regardless others. I mean here, sometime we only think how to make the students become clever without paying attention to their characters. Sometime, we let the students cheat in the class, and even we teach them to cheat. How could it be? How could we let them do such a bad thing in front of our eyes? If we don't educate them, who else will?
Can we imagine when someday our students become a leader and he or she becomes a corruptor because we teach so?
Dear Audiences,
We, as Marasah's teachers, should teach the students the importance of understanding how an Islamic politics is. Or even we should teach them more about the theory of leadership. We should demonstrate them how to be a leader without forgetting the values of Islam. And we also must demonstrate them the Islamic characters. Because it's a really effective way to make the students aware of what is happening in this country.
So, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let’s develop ourselves and let's develop Madrasah in Indonesia. Developing Madrasah means that we are attempting to create better Indonesia by preparing the Islamic leader. As Indonesians and as Moslems, we should not see it as a-piece-of-cake-kind-of-matterRasulullah SAW said, man lam yahtamma bi amril muslimin falaisa minhum, which means “whoever that do not take care of Moslem’s matters, it means that he is not one of the Moslems.”Before I close my speech, let’s recall the inspiring words from John Maxwell, “a leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” Madrasah is better, and it’s better madrasah.
That’s all from me, an extraordinary girl who has a really big spirit for Indonesians. Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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